Intelligent Systems overview, scope and definitions, supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning techniques; Fuzzy Logic based Systems: Fuzzy relations, inference systems, membership functions, compositions, defuzzification techniques and applications; Artificial Neural Network based Systems: Perceptrons, feed-forward, back-propagation, learning paradigms and applications, brief intro of other variants within ANN family; Evolutionary Systems: Genetic operators, fitness functions, selection, crossover, mutation, optimization and applications; Artificial Immunity based Systems: Innate immune functions, adaptive immune functions, clonal selections, idiotypic networks, immune memory, applications; Probabilistic Reasoning Systems.

Suggested Text:

  1. Learning and Soft Computing: Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Models by Vojislav Kecman
  2. Neural Networks and Learning Machines by SO Haykin
  3. Introduction to AI Robotics by RR Murphy